Dr. Alan Tang
Orthodontic Clinic
Tel: 604-713-8333

We Are a Digital Impression Practice Proud Owners of an iTero® Element™ Intraoral Scanner
Dr. Alan Tang is pleased to be able to provide Itero Digital Scanning, the latest technology in capturing accurate digital scans and images of patients oral structures.
Even under the best of conditions, traditional impressions were still uncomfortable, occasionally unreliable and unpleasant tasting. That’s why we’re proud to offer goop-free, full digital impressions with the revolutionary iTero® ElementTM Scanner.
Not only is a digital impression more comfortable, it’s also much more accurate. The scanner takes an incredibly detailed impression of your teeth and gums.
Once the scan is complete, your orthodontist will then have a 3D model of your mouth that can be used with all Invisalign® services, including the Invisalign Outcome Simulator to show you what your new smile might look like.

We Make a Great First Impression

During the impression process, you can breathe or swallow as you normally would. You can even pause during the process if you need to sneeze or just want to ask a question. The scanner gives us a 3D model of your mouth that can be used for your dental services including the Invisalign Outcome Simulator to show you what your new smile might look like.
The Invisalign Outcome Simulator
Visualize how your teeth may look after Invisalign treatment. Seeing the “end result” before you decide can take the guesswork out of your decision and put you on the path to the smile you’ve always wanted.